
Thank you@blakeblackshearfor putting this together. Here is my best shot at a noob’s guide to using a Raspberry Pi 4 to do person detection. I’m still working on home assistant integration but this doesn’t seem very difficult. (Edit: It was harder than I expected although now that I have it setup, it’s pretty awesome.)

Step 2: Update Password:



sudo -i


apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y


apt-get install -y jq curl avahi-daemon dbus apparmor-utils网络 - 经理apt-transport-https-https ca-cecrifificates socat软件properties-propies-common-common gnupg gnupg-gnupg-

步骤7:安装hass.iofor RPi4

curl -sl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-installer/master/hassio_install.sh |bash -s -m raspberrypi4

Step 11: Install Configurator from add ons
Step 12: Download frigate files to /home/pirate

git clone https://github.com/blakeblackshear/frigate.git

Step 14: Comment out intel hardware acceleration lines in DockerFile so it looks like this

libgcc1#vaapi驱动程序,用于英特尔硬件#libva-drm2 libva2 i965-va-driver vainfo \#&& rm -rm -rf/var/var/lib/apt/lists/*


docker build -t frigate .


Nano Docker-Compose.yml


版本:“ 3”服务:护卫舰:container_name:Frigate RESTART:除非停滞特权:True Image:Frigate:最新卷: - /dev/dev/bus/usb:/dev/dev/bus/usb  - /home/home/home/pirate/pirate/pirate/config:/config端口: - “ 5000:5000”环境:rtsp_password:“密码”


docker-compose up

步骤18:通过复制相机和binary_senso19463331伟德国际r代码与家庭助理集成@blakeblackshear’s readme example to the Home Assistant config file. As of this writing it appears the automation code is intended to live inside the automations.yaml file which is where it was generated when I created my first automation via the Configuration->Automation tab.

  1. 默认情况下,在HA的最新版本上创建的configuration.yaml文件看起来与您会发现的大多数示例相同。伟德国际官方app下载苹果版它没有或需要额外的代码行才能正常工作。您最终需要比大多数会发现的示例和视频要少得多。伟德国际官方app下载苹果版
  2. If you want to add multiple cameras you’ll just copy the “camera” and “binary_sensor” sections and add a space and an identifier like so
摄像机2: - 名称:摄像机最后一个人2平台:MQTT主题:护卫舰//快照binary_sensor 2: - 名称:camera2人平台:MQTT state_topic:“ frigate//objects” value_template:'value_template:'value_jsson {value_jjson {{。
  1. For Android users you won’t need a “native” app from the Play store. It’s possible to setup your configuration withduckdns.orgvia aHass.io附加组件,以便您可以远程查看HA安装。设置后,您可以“添加到主屏幕”您创建的HTTPS页面,并且它将像普通应用一样运行。lovelace UI从我所看到的,比我尝试建立“ HA客户”的尝试更好。对于通知,我正在使用HTML5,尽管Telegram和Pushbullet显然也是不错的选择。

One thing I’d really like to do is have the ability to create an automation that is triggered by an individual bounding box. For instance if you have two bounding boxes within a single camera view, one covering the front door and another box covering the driveway, it would be nice to be able to trigger off of the front door box (deliveries during the day) separately from the driveway box (prowler at night). I might be able to figure this out but if someone knows how already please let me know.




谢谢@blakeblackshearfor developing and sharing such a great piece of software!:slight_smile:


I realize the pictures are coming over mqtt now too, but i thought the url woud still work to adjust the regions? im usinghttp:// ipaddress:5000/camName



Thanks. I am looking for the url that shows the video with the region boxes, so I can make sure my regions are where they need to be.

My fault. just noticed i forgot to expose the port in my compose file. added the port and back in buisness. thanks

Thank you@blakeblackshearfor a really interesting project and a useful addition to my home automation.
I followed@polarbearshirt指示并启动并运行……各种各样。
The image at port 5000 is very jerky and delayed by about 30 seconds. Cars going past can jump from one side of the screen to the other and people are missed as they ‘jump’ over the detection areas.
I’m using a Raspberry Pi 4 and a new security camera, I just bought for this project, that is outputting H265 video at 1920x1080. I tried changing the take_frame to 5 but this didn’t make an improvement.


Thanks for the reply. To be honest I haven’t been able to work out what the FPS are from the camera. I looked in VLC but this is not one of the fields shown in ‘Media Information’. But, it does look very smooth to me so I assume quite high. Which is why I changed the ‘take_frame’ value.


It’s all on wired. I can’t see how to change the output to H264 (the camera is a Jennov A73WG20) but your suggestion gave me an idea of using some of the other output streams. Stream 2 is still H265 apparently , but the resolution is 640x480 which seems to not suffer the same stuttering. I’ll leave it running to see if it identifies people as before.

and the lag is now minimal too. A big step forward, thank you!


Hey I was looking through the GitHub and noticed someone mentioned you can put a different model to be able to detect cars. Is there some steps to what I would need to do to make that happen? Thank you!

在Imagenet数据库中训练的模型可能会识别出更多类别的卡车(例如卡车),因为它们在DB中有区别……最好的可能是来自此处的Mobilenet v2带有Imagenet:


Thanks man! That last sentence sounds easy lol. Where do you make the change from person to car?

I haven’t done it myself, but I recall seeing other people doing it either in this thread or in the github chat. IIRC, it was done in the parameters that can be sent to the detection engine in recent versions. You can find the details if you look for them.

Ok thanks for the direction. I’ve been through the thread and gitHub. I don’t have chat or anything but I’ll see if I can find something similar n copy. I’ll post back if I do. Thanks again.