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@balloob@frenck@Bram_Kragten如果路线图中有功能/EPIC,可以通过API引入编程配置that the GUI is also using I am willing to also contribute to that and add man power for the implementation.

Thanks in advance your kind reply.

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您将如何看待工作 - 大多数配置都是多屏/程序性的。还是您正在考虑可以将某种数据文件导入到新部署上的配置?

Well anything that is a bit more M2M. For example there are custom components that call other components async_setup directly so there are ways to bypass the Config Flow, but it would be nicer to do it officially not out of desperation.@Troykellywhat do you mean by multiscreen btw ?

我在想像onvifplugin - it’s such an incredibly painful process - especially when HA is on a seperate subnet from the cameras.








如何帮助我们帮助您 - 或如何提出一个好问题 - 配置 - 家庭助理社区(Home -Assistant.io)19463331伟德国际



我完全理解你的悲伤。在我看来,远离YAML配置是自从我开始使用它以来最近几年做出的最糟糕的决定。我不认为GUI配置会以任何方式受益 - 在YAML中做事更容易,更快,更防止,并且作为经验表演使用户可以配置更多的东西。例如,一些集成Speedtest.net,缺乏关键功能,因为它们已被迁移到UI配置,例如选择地理位置最接近的服务器进行测量。UI仅显示几个服务器的选择 - 最接近我的位置50英里,而YAML Config允许选择全球成千上万的Speedtest服务器中的任何一个。
Anyhow, ive been very vocal about it, but if UI config is easier to maintain for them than YAML configuration then there’s not much i can do about it and i have just accepted it.
如果他们会改变主意,我会对此感到非常高兴,但是直到那时,人们一直抱怨。毕竟,即使使用UI Config,HA仍然是我没有的绝佳工具。


Not for the new target audience (non-tech savy people, like your parents or the average joe that is used to not write code and configure everything through clicking around in the UI)



I have accepted the decision, I am just interested in a solution having a programmatic UI or a proper M2M backend for the GUI would not impact the non tech savy, but at least help the tech savy. Honestly open source will for a long time be for tech savy. In Home Automation for sure due to the quickly changing technologies and commercial products are more than enough for non tech savy. We have been contacted by commercial partners to jump in and provide solutions for niche requests. And we used HA so far as it is higly flexible. However doing larger projects is becoming more and more tedious as we cannot easily store configuration as a code due to increasing GUI integrations. I dont want to start something new if it is already in the HA backlog. The linked rules pages is iseless for this case. How can I promote an Epic and if accepted I can work on it.

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non-tech savy people, like your parents or the average joe that is used to not write code and configure everything through clicking around in the UI

That’s controversial because non-tech users like my parents or average joe are scared of HA not because they dont know how to configure it, but because whole idea of “smart homes” is terrifying for them and also they believe they dont need any automation in their lives.

What kind of thing are you trying to configure. Is it the same thing on many machines?

This was suggested by someone in the original thread regarding the deprecation. He even provided code and ideas to have both. But the core devs were and are not interested in this, they made their decision and are not willing to maintain YAML and UI, or some converter or anything like this, UI or nothing.




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Also I did not make that decision, I would have preferred to keep YAML config as well.


True, many “average Joe’s” have Philips Hue, Nest or Google Home nowadays, but from my experience (and since i’ve been a huge advocate of smart home at my workplace, i spoke about this with dozens of average Joes at work) they just use them in a pre-set scenarios like asking Google Home whats the weather outside, or controlling Hue lights with a phone. Often after a couple of weeks they stop doing even that, when they realize that its easier to just flip the switch instead of taking out the phone, run an app and worry that someone else switched the light off on the physical switch. I highly doubt if any of those “average Joes” at my place ever made a custom routine in Google Home.
Actually, i have managed to get only one, quite tech-savvy person on HA board and it was a rocky road - this is only slightly relevant, as it’s about automation editor, not integrations - but over an IM communicator, its更容易to explain someone how to make an automation or share existing working automation in YAML, than to do the same with UI automation editor.

我对使用“普通乔”一词感到难过,因为这听起来对我的耳朵有些贬义。我远没有将家庭自动化视为某种出色的爱好 -伟德betvictor手机版 相反,我本人是一个菜鸟,仍然尽力帮助他人跳上这艘船 - 但是我想说的是,这是一个新人的最佳方法进入家庭自动化的世界是通过可以提供帮助的人。伟德betvictor手机版

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FWIW I’ve had snapshots fail multiple times to the point where I don’t rely on them any more. I last had it occur at the end of November - it appears to bethis bug


我希望我需要采用这种方法。据我所知,使用默认数据库没有正式支持的备份 /还原方法。如果我错过了,如果有人可以为我指向它,我会很感激。注意:我正在使用Docker安装,因此OS安装特定的解决方案无法工作。由于仍然得到正式支持的Docker/Container设置,我希望答案不是“自己弄清楚”。



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The database corruption and the usual solution to just delete it is my biggest bugbear with HA. No other software system that I know of requires users to just throw away their precious data as a solution.
